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Help the Poor in Need!

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Our previous initiatives include:

1- Confessions Unplugged


We at YWP; believe in providing a safe space to individuals struggling with mental health issues to give expression to their distressing feelings and thoughts without judgment and stigma. As such our work so far has not only included giving people a platform to share their stories but also provide peer counselling in view of curbing growing cases of suicide and self-harm.

Our previous initiatives include:

Confessions Unplugged:

Confessions Unplugged was an 8 edition event franchise that provided attendees with an anonymous platform to share their thoughts and feelings and a safe space with like-minded people.

2- S.P.E.A.K.


We at YWP; believe in providing a safe space to individuals struggling with mental health issues to give expression to their distressing feelings and thoughts without judgment and stigma. As such our work so far has not only included giving people a platform to share their stories but also provide peer counselling in view of curbing growing cases of suicide and self-harm.

S.P.E.A.K. :

You're Wonderful Project; launched its pilot program for schools in Delhi NCR, S.P.E.A.K. - School Program For Emotional Acceptance and Knowledge. In its initial phase, the focus of the program was to start a discussion amongst school children about mental health and its significance, enabling the students to better understand and support themselves as well as their peers as according to WHO the highest number of cases take place between the ages of 15-29. In its subsequent phases, it focused on equipping teachers and parents with the essential skills to identify and address these concerns. The campaign reached out to more than 50 schools across the city, enabling conversation around mental health amongst more than 15,000 students.

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We’re Here to Help People in Need

There are many variations of passages of available, but the
majority have suffered alteration in some form. Ntium voluum
deleniti atque corrupti quos.


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